Nursing students smiling
Nursing students smiling
Nursing students smiling

Welcome to Galen College of Nursing's Net Price Calculator!

Your nursing education is an investment in you - your dreams, your goals, and your purpose. There are many possible ways to fund it.

We are pleased to provide this net price calculator as a guide to assist in early financial planning for college. This calculator will estimate federal aid eligibility to help families gauge what aid the student may potentially be awarded so they can begin plans to cover the cost of attending Galen.

An education from a nursing-focused institution like Galen, with more than 39,000 graduates over 30 years, is a great investment in your future working potential.

Welcome to Galen College of Nursing's Net Price Calculator!

Your nursing education is an investment in you - your dreams, your goals, and your purpose. There are many possible ways to fund it.

We are pleased to provide this net price calculator as a guide to assist in early financial planning for college. This calculator will estimate federal aid eligibility to help families gauge what aid the student may potentially be awarded so they can begin plans to cover the cost of attending Galen.

An education from a nursing-focused institution like Galen, with more than 39,000 graduates over 30 years, is a great investment in your future working potential.

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Site Mode: NetPriceCalculator
Survey Version: 5.5.58
Survey ID: 537
Report ID: none
Database: dev_campuslogic_npc_test
Build Version: 2024.12.5.1818
Session Info: